Keene Consulting


Neil's first professional production management job was in the summer of 1985 at Keene Summer Theatre at Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire. That summer we mounted 5 fully produced musicals in 11 weeks. He worked 7 days a week from 7:30 in the morning until 11:00 at night and every day I visited one of the fabulous creameries in town. I never worked harder in my life, learned so much, or enjoyed ice cream more thoroughly.

When Alys found herself on a catwalk running a followspot while simultaneously taking a PChem take home test with a maglite in her teeth, she had an epiphany. She knew theater was the life she wanted, and the rest is history.

We both used to think that we knew all of the answers.
More than 3 decades later, we've learned that the right questions are even more important.

Our greatest joys and successes come from working with organizations and people who want to change the world through arts and culture. Collaboration with the diverse team of associates at Keene allows us to evolve and grow organizations and to provide the highest level of creativity, problem solving, and advocacy.

Get in touch today.

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Neil Kutner | Alys Holden
New York | Oregon |

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We know that every organization is unique and therefore needs a unique approach to personnel, leadership, facility management, and financial resources.